Sunday, February 24, 2008

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As you all have probably read over at my mom's blog I have been really sick the past couple weeks after coming back from Tennessee, which by the way, was an amazing trip that I cannot even begin to try and describe. And I also have had an especially hard time breathing the last couple days. Luckily I have like 4 prescriptions I am now taking which are helping a lot. We are planning to schedule another visit to the doctors tomorrow to figure out what we re going to do about this. We'll definitly be sure to keep you all updated with the results.But just a little quote since it is indeed smart card Sunday...

I believe that you
must forgive whenever

possible, but sometimes
there are certain things
or people you cannot
forgive, no matter how
hard you try. This is
when you must give
it to God, for God is
greater than you are
and can take care of
whatever you can't.
- Sylvia Browne

And since a lot of you visit some of the same blogs you have probably read on Gwen's page
about the Jesus Calling devotional books. My mom, dad, and I all have them now and I would totally recommend them. I have even started a journal to go along with it now and just right down my thoughts after reading through the daily scriptures. This little book is for sure making a big difference in my life right now... so if you don't have one yet, I suggest you get one soon ... ;)
[just some pics because posts are boring without them] ;)

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Smart Card Sunday [just for you Mr. Brian]

the dawn of time,
God has known you 
and loved you.  He's not 
waiting today for you 
to get it together.
He's waiting for you 
to come to Him with
open, empty hands.

- Dr. Bruce Wilkinson 

If your relationship 
with God is injured, 
apologize today for your
attitudes and thoughts.
Tell God you have 
His actions and badly
misjudged His character. 
Tell Him exactly how 
you have felt and why, 
and ask Him for
His forgiveness. 

- Dr. Bruce Wilkinson